ICHPBS - Game Stop Corp NEW

In January 2021 on the stock market, a betting mania started called GameStop corp. Retail traders colluded against the big fund's shorting strategy and, contrary to expectations, began buying to lift the price of the falling stock. Within a few days, the price of the stock, which had never exceeded $65, rose from around $18 to $325. The sale was artificially halted several times on trading platforms. The losses of funds shorting this company were huge.

But let's detach from making money for now and instead let's explore this certain example of the potential of change which, however, is dynamically present always and everywhere. A sure example of possibilities, reasoning, demonstration of strength in unity. And this same spirit led to the creation of the music as well as the graphic design of the album cover, where symbols are essential.

Space, airiness, joy, purity, hope, love. The realization of the essence, the possibility of capturing the pure divine intention emanating in each of us. The desire to always start over,  sacrifice and collapse the existing layer for a new layer. GameStop corp was not an inspiration from the beginning. It emerged as a symbol at the right moment and was grasped and supplemented into its quantum state.