The Devil Is Coming

With the next installment of our music series, we will venture into the dark corners, not just of this world. But there's no need to fear. The journey to these places can be a pleasant experience, especially when you are accompanied by an experienced guide.

This guide is a skilled psychonaut and another member of the Rotared crew. A person who explored the dark time-space and lived exclusively at night, a person who survived his own death and returned to the daylight stronger than ever. 

Do not fear, the devil is coming. 

Let's dance the last dance together.

The Devil Is Coming

With the next installment of our music series, we will venture into the dark corners, not just of this world. But there's no need to fear. The journey to these places can be a pleasant experience, especially when you are accompanied by an experienced guide.

This guide is a skilled psychonaut and another member of the Rotared crew. A person who explored the dark time-space and lived exclusively at night, a person who survived his own death and returned to the daylight stronger than ever. 

Do not fear, the devil is coming. 

Let's dance the last dance together.

The Devil Is Coming

With the next installment of our music series, we will venture into the dark corners, not just of this world. But there's no need to fear. The journey to these places can be a pleasant experience, especially when you are accompanied by an experienced guide.

This guide is a skilled psychonaut and another member of the Rotared crew. A person who explored the dark time-space and lived exclusively at night, a person who survived his own death and returned to the daylight stronger than ever. 

Do not fear, the devil is coming. 

Let's dance the last dance together.

The Devil Is Coming

With the next installment of our music series, we will venture into the dark corners, not just of this world. But there's no need to fear. The journey to these places can be a pleasant experience, especially when you are accompanied by an experienced guide.

This guide is a skilled psychonaut and another member of the Rotared crew. A person who explored the dark time-space and lived exclusively at night, a person who survived his own death and returned to the daylight stronger than ever. 

Do not fear, the devil is coming. 

Let's dance the last dance together.

The Devil Is Coming

With the next installment of our music series, we will venture into the dark corners, not just of this world. But there's no need to fear. The journey to these places can be a pleasant experience, especially when you are accompanied by an experienced guide.

This guide is a skilled psychonaut and another member of the Rotared crew. A person who explored the dark time-space and lived exclusively at night, a person who survived his own death and returned to the daylight stronger than ever. 

Do not fear, the devil is coming. 

Let's dance the last dance together.

The Devil Is Coming

With the next installment of our music series, we will venture into the dark corners, not just of this world. But there's no need to fear. The journey to these places can be a pleasant experience, especially when you are accompanied by an experienced guide.

This guide is a skilled psychonaut and another member of the Rotared crew. A person who explored the dark time-space and lived exclusively at night, a person who survived his own death and returned to the daylight stronger than ever. 

Do not fear, the devil is coming. 

Let's dance the last dance together.