Jul 10, 2023
MC Gey and his latest album (MC Gey - About Daddy Who Fell Asleep) took me completely by surprise. After the first listen I had to listen to it again. In this day and age of emptied out rap, he seems like a very nice breath of fresh air.
I'll admit that I wasn't one of his biggest fans, and I've more or less only enjoyed a few tracks from each of his previous albums. But that changes here. From the first to the last track we are listening to a work that works perfectly with its insight, humor and irony. On a rap album, he brings together the seemingly unconnected ordinary things that come with family life and raising four sons.
To make matters worse for him, in addition to rapping, he produced all the music himself, did the cover art and shot the music videos. And you can definitely tell. The album was released on the TyNikdy label.